![]() Here is an updated version of the blog post Artificial Intelligence and Diplomacy resources, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, webpages, videos, studies, and articles. In the last nine months, there has been quite a surge of studies and articles about AI, diplomacy, and world affairs so that I have included two new sections, the first on journal articles and the second about studies. There is also information about using Machine Learning for teaching and learning. Please share new ones in the comment section! You can also read my blog posts about the subject here:
AI tools and application/experiments/usage Diplo AI Writer @ DiploFoundation is a DiploFoundation artificial intelligence writer who publishes blog posts about the subject, including the DiploFoundation AI Diary. HumAInism by DiploFoundation has some AI tools related to diplomacy and arts. Can ChatGPT Explain Geopolitics? is an exercise to compare two essays and test if you can identify the one written by AI. It is published by Foreign Policy magazine. Interactive webpage about the cost of AI in different languages (Tokenization fairness). Webpages of research centers and institutions Artificial Intelligence and Diplomacy by DiploFoundation. Artificial Intelligence by Digwatch (Geneva Internet Platform) AI Now Institute. Center for AI and Digital Policy Center for the Advancement of Trustworthy AI Deloitte AI Institute for Government Global Index on Responsible AI Global Partnership for AI Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford MILA, Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute OECD AI Observatory Partnership on AI The AI Index. Stanford University Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Tech Policy Press. UN-related sites Road Map for Digital Cooperation and its updated road map) Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology webpage Global Digital Compact (May 2023) High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence and its Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity (December 2023) Summit of the Future UNESCO´s Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Videos Artificial Intelligence and Diplomacy Webinar. UNITAR and UOC. (2023, February 15). AI and Diplomacy: Challenges and opportunities. UNITAR (2023, May 10) Integrating Artificial Intelligence into an Embassy’s Public Diplomacy Workflows. Center on Public Diplomacy (2023, October 18) Technologies of Tomorrow: A Conversation with Dr. Eric Schmidt. Carnegie Endowment (2023, January 11). DiploFoundation´s webdebates Will AI take over diplomatic reporting? WebDebate #56. DiploFoundation (2023, February 7). What role can AI play in diplomatic negotiation? WebDebate #57. DiploFoundation (2023, March 7). How to Train Diplomats to Deal with AI and Data? WebDebate #58. DiploFoundation (2023, April 4). What Can We Learn About AI Ethics and Governance from Non-Western Thought? WebDebate #59. DiploFoundation (2023, May 2). AI for Peacemaking: new tools and opportunities for mediators. WebDebate #30. DiploFoundation (2019, June 19). AI on the international agenda - where do we go from here? WebDebate #26. DiploFoundation (2018, December 4). Books Haroon Sheikh, H., Prins, C., & Schrijvers, E. (2023). Mission AI: The New System Technology. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21448-6 Journal articles Adler-Nissen, R., & Eggeling, K. A. (2022). Blended Diplomacy: The Entanglement and Contestation of Digital Technologies in Everyday Diplomatic Practice. European Journal of International Relations, 28(3), 640-666. https://doi.org/10.1177/13540661221107837 (Open access). d’Alva, O. A., & Paraná, E. (2024). Official statistics and big data in Latin America: Data enclosures and counter-movements. Big Data & Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241229696 (Open access). Bareis, J. (2024). The trustification of AI. Disclosing the bridging pillars that tie trust and AI together. Big Data & Society, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241249430 (Open access) Bjola, C. & Manor, I. (2023, April 25). ChatGPT: The end of diplomacy as we know it. Global Policy. Bjola, C. & Manor, I. (2024). Digital diplomacy in the age of technological acceleration: three impact scenarios of generative artificial intelligence. Place Brand Public Diplomacy. (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-023-00323-4 (Open access). Bjola, C. & Manor, I. (2024). First contact: integrating generative AI into digital diplomatic intelligence. Place Brand Public Diplomacy (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00333-w Di Martino, L., & Ford, H. (2024). Navigating uncertainty: public diplomacy vs. AI. Place Brand Public Diplomacy (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00330-z (Open access). Erskine, T. (2024). AI and the future of IR: Disentangling flesh-and-blood, institutional, and synthetic moral agency in world politics. Review of International Studies, 50(3), 534-559. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0260210524000202 (Open access) Fredheim, R. & Pamment, J. (2024). Assessing the risks and opportunities posed by AI‐enhanced influence. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-023-00322-5 (open access) Garcia, E. V. (2024). The Other in the machine: diplomacy and the AI conundrum. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00329-6 Gillespie, T. (2024). Generative AI and the politics of visibility. Big Data & Society, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241252131 (Open access). Gourlet, P., Ricci, D., & Crépel, M. (2024). Reclaiming artificial intelligence accounts: A plea for a participatory turn in artificial intelligence inquiries. Big Data & Society, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241248093 (Open access) Gruber, J., & Hargittai, E. (2023). The importance of algorithm skills for informed Internet use. Big Data & Society, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231168100 (Open access) Gruber, J., Hargittai, E., Karaoglu, G., Brombach, L. (2021). Algorithm Awareness as an Important Internet Skill: The Case of Voice Assistants. International Journal of Communication, 15, 1770-1788. (Open access). Jie, X. & Wang, C. (2022). A Preliminary Analysis of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on World Peace. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 4(9), 87-92. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2022.040913. (Open access) Hakala, U. (2024). Using AI in the creation of municipality slogans. Place Brand Public Diplomacy (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00347-4 (Open access) Huang, Z.A. (2024). Terminology, AI bias, and the risks of current digital public diplomacy practices. Place Brand Public Diplomacy (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00324-x Human-Machine Communication Special Edition, Volume 7, 2024 https://doi.org/10.30658/hmc.7.1 Ver detalles Kipngeno, J. R. (2019). How Science and Technology Shapes Diplomacy. International Academic Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 2(2), 42-52. Konovalova, M. (2023). AI and Diplomacy. Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Liberty and International Affairs9(2). https://doi.org/10.47305/JLIA2392699k Lenat, D. & Marcus, G. (2023, July 31). Getting from Generative AI to Trustworthy AI: What LLMs might learn from Cyc. ArXiv: 2308.04445. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2308.04445 Manfredi-Sánchez, J.L. &Morales, P.S. (2024). Generative AI and the future for China’s diplomacy. Place Brand Public Diplomacy (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00328-7 (Open access). Medrado, A., & Verdegem, P. (2024). Participatory action research in critical data studies: Interrogating AI from a South–North approach. Big Data & Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241235869 (Open access). Ng, L. H. X., Robertson, D. C., & Carley, K. M. (2024). Cyborgs for strategic communication on social media. Big Data & Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241231275 (Open access). Peterson-Salahuddin, C. (2024). Repairing the harm: Toward an algorithmic reparations approach to hate speech content moderation. Big Data & Society, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241245333 (Open access). Ricaurte, P., Gómez-Cruz, E., & Siles, I. (2024). Algorithmic governmentality in Latin America: Sociotechnical imaginaries, neocolonial soft power, and authoritarianism. Big Data & Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241229697 (Open access) Sevin, E. & Eken, M. E. (2024). Yet another turn? Prioritising the needs of diplomacy over the capabilities of generative AI. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-024-00325-w (Open access) Shandler, R., & Gomez, M. A. (2022). The hidden threat of cyber-attacks – undermining public confidence in government. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 20(4), 359–374. https://doi.org/10.1080/19331681.2022.2112796 Seto, K. S. (2024). Platform sub-imperialism. Big Data & Society, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241249410(Open access). Stinson, C. & Vlaad, S. (2024). A feeling for the algorithm: Diversity, expertise, and artificial intelligence. Big Data & Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231224247 (Open Access). Tacheva, J. and Ramasubramanian, S. (2023). AI Empire: Unraveling the interlocking systems of oppression in generative AI’s global order. Big Data and Society, 10(2), p. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231219241 (Open access) Tallberg, J., Erman, E., Furendal, M., Geith, J., Klamberg, M., Lundgren M. (2023). The Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Next Steps for Empirical and Normative Research. International Studies Review, 25(3). https://doi.org/10.1093/isr/viad040 Troncoso Heredia, M. O. & Dueñas Correa, Y. K. (2023). Diplomacia e inteligencia artificial. Análisis desde el impacto en las relaciones internacionales entre las naciones. Tse´De, 6(2), 26-62. https://doi.org/10.60100/tsede.v6i2.149 (Open access). Valente, J. C. L., & Grohmann, R. (2024). Critical data studies with Latin America: Theorizing beyond data colonialism. Big Data & Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241227875 (Open access) van der Vlist, F., Helmond, A., & Ferrari, F. (2024). Big AI: Cloud infrastructure dependence and the industrialisation of artificial intelligence. Big Data & Society, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517241232630 (Open access) Williams, E. R. (2022). ‘New-new’ diplomacy A new technological dawn. Digital Policy Studies 1(1), 27-38. https://doi.org/10.36615/dps.v1i1.1162 Xia, L.Q. (2024). Diplomatic relationship-building in the age of generative AI: the European Union and China. Place Brand Public Diplomacy. (Online first). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41254-023-00321-6 (Open access). Studies Allen, G. (2022, October 11). Choking off China´s Access to the Future of AI. Center for Strategic & International Studies. Anthony, A., Sharma, L. & Noor, E. (2024, April 30). Advancing a More Global Agenda for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Bal. R. & Gill, I. (2020, September). Policy Approaches to Artificial Intelligence Based Technologies in China, European Union and the United States. Duke Global Working Paper 26. Bjola, C. (2019, October 19). Diplomacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Real Institute Elcano. Bjola, C. (2020). Diplomacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. EDA Working Paper. Emirates Diplomatic Academy. Bremmer, I. & Kupchan, C. (2022, January 3). Risk 2: Technopolar World. Top Risks 2022. p. 5-6. Euroasian Group. Bremmer, I & Suleyman, M. (2023). The AI Power Paradox. Foreign Affairs. Cesareo, S. & White, J. (2023, June 23). The Global AI Index. Tortoise Media. Cimoli, M. (Coord.). (2018). Datos, algoritmos y políticas: La redefinición del mundo digital. Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). Corvalan, J. G. (2023). Propuesta de regulación y recomendaciones de inteligencia artificial en el mundo: sintesis de principales aspectos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Deloitte AI Institute for Government & Google Cloud. (2022). Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Modernize American Statecraft. Department of State. (2023, October). Enterprise. Artificial Intelligence Strategy FY2024-FY2025: Empowering Diplomacy through Responsible AI. Dickow, M. and Jacob, D. (2018). The Global Debate on the Future of Artificial Intelligence. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik [SWV] Comment No. 23, p. 7. DiploFoundation. (2019). Mapping the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence for the conduct of diplomacy. DiploFoundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Alexandra-Cristina Dinu, A-C., (2023). Cyber Diplomacy and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Vol. X. European Migration Network. (2022). The use of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in migration management: Joint EMN-OECD Inform. Franke, U. (2021). Artificial Intelligence diplomacy: Artificial Intelligence governance as a new European Union external policy tool. Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies. Directorate-General for Internal Policies. European Parliament. Government AI Readiness Index 2022. Horowitz, M. C., Allen, G. C., Saravalle, E., Cho, A., Frederick, K. & Scharre, P. (2018, July). Artificial Intelligence and International Security. Center for a New American Security. IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2022. Lazard Geopolitical Advisory. (2023, October). Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence. Mahrenbach, E. (Ed.). (2023). Governing Artificial Intelligence. Global Policy Maslej, N., Fattorini, l., Brynjolfsson, E., Etchemendy, J., Ligett, K., Lyons, T., Manyika, J., Ngo, H., Niebles, J. C., Parli, V., Shoham, Y., Wald, R., Clark, J., & Perrault, R. (2023, April). The Artificial Intelligence Index 2023 Annual Report. Stanford University Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. Rosenbach, E. & Mansted, K. (2019, May). The Geopolitics of Information. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Harvard University Stanford University. (n.d.). Global AI Vibrancy Tool. Who is leading the global AI race? Stanford University Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. Stanzel, V. & Voelsen, D. (2022). Diplomacy and Artificial Intelligence Reflections on Practical Assistance for Diplomatic Negotiations. SWP Research Paper. Voo, J., Hemani, I., Jones, S., DeSombre, W., Cassidy, D. & Schwarzenbach, A. (2020, April). Reconceptualizing Cyber Power: Cyber Power Index Primer. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Harvard University. Voo, J., Hemani, I. & Cassidy, D. (2022, September). National Cyber Power Index 2022. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. Zhang, D., Lawrence, C., Sellitto, M., Wald, R., Schaake, M., Ho, D. E., Altman, R. & Grotto, A. (2022, May). Enhancing International Cooperation in AI Research: The Case for a Multilateral AI Research Institute. The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Blog posts and news articles Adebahr, C. (2023, October 11). Why AI will Change the Core of Foreign Policymaking. Global Policy. Fainman, A. A. (2019). The Problem with Opaque AI. The Thinker, 82(4), 44-55. https://doi.org/10.36615/thethinker.v82i4.373 Cocking, S. (2016, September 19). Using algorithms to achieve digital diplomacy. A conversation with Elad Ratson, Director of R&D at Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Irish Tech News. Cuéllar, M.-F. & Sheehan, M. (2023, June 19). AI Is Winning the AI Race. Foreign Policy. Davies, H., Mckernan, B., and Sabbagh, D. (2023, December 1). ´The Gospel´: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza. The Guardian. Digwatch (n.d). GGE -Group of Governmental Experts- on lethal autonomous weapons systems. Digwatch. Digwatch. (2019, February 5). Artificial intelligence and diplomacy: A new tool for diplomacy? EVENT REPORT. Digwatch. Geneva Internet Platform. Digwatch. (2023, July 17). UN Security Council convenes to discuss AI risks. Digwatch. Geneva Internet Platform. Digwatch (2023, December 25). UN General Assembly adopted resolution on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems or LAWS. Digwatch. DiploFoundation. (2023, May 3). First full AI-reporting from the UN meeting. DiploFoundation blog. DiploFoundation. (2023, May 3). AI-based report of United Nations Security Council debate marks the start of a new era in multilateral diplomacy. DiploFoundation blog. Elia Valori, G. (2023, July 8). Artificial Intelligence and the New World Order (1). Modern Diplomacy. Elia Valori, G. (2023, July 30). AI and the new world order: Economy and war (2). Modern Diplomacy. Farrow, R. (2023, August 21). Elon Musk´s Shadow Rule. How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire—and is now struggling to rein him in. The New Yorker. Feás, E. (2023, February 2). La guerra tecnológica EEUU-China y sus efectos sobre Europa. Real Instituto Elcano. Galeotti, M. (2023, January 7). The age of AI diplomacy. The Spectator. Giles, K. (2023, September 12). Tech giants hold huge sway in matters of war, life and death. That should concern us all. The Guardian. Heaven, W. D. (2023, December 19). These six questions will dictate the future of generative AI. MIT Technology Review. Henshall, W. (2023, Oct 23). What the U.N.’s AI Advising Group Will Do. Time. Jacobs. S (2023, September 7). Time 100 Most Influential People on AI. Time. Jafarova, L. (2023, August 1). Artificial Intelligence and Digital Diplomacy. E-International Relations. Keohan, C. & Kralev, N. (2022, August 7). Want to Be a Diplomat? You Must Make it Past and A.I.’ Gateway’. Diplomatic Diary blog. Washington International Diplomatic Academy. Kurbalija, J. (2017, May 9). The impact of big data on geopolitics, negotiations, and diplomacy. DiploFoundation Blog. (Updated August 7, 2022). Kurbalija, J. (2023, May 1). Why might AI cause more ´lost in translation´ worldwide? DiploFoundation Blog. Kurbajila, J. (2023, June 12). The case for bottom-up AI. Al Jazeera. Kurbalija, J. (2023, August 1). What can Socrates teach us about AI and prompting? DiploFoundation Blog. Kurbalija, J. (2023, November 8). How can we deal with AI risks? DiploFoundation Blog. Kurbalija, J. (2023, December 28). AI and Digital in 2023: From winter of excitement to autumn of clarity. DiploFoundation Blog Laferrière, H. & McPherson, A. (2019, April 24). Augmented Decision-Making @ IRCC. Presentation to the Symposium on Algorithmic Government. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. Lederer, E. (2023, July 3). UN Council to hold first meeting on potential threats of artificial intelligence to global peace. AP News. Liu, S. & Patton, D. (2023, December 22). China bans export of rare earths processing tech over national security. Reuters. Manor, I. (2023, February 21). The AI Moves In: ChatGPT’s Impact on Digital Diplomacy. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Manor, I. (2023, March 30). ChatGPT and the Future of Diplomacy. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Manor, I. (2023, April 4). ChatGPT and the Future of Diplomacy - Part 2. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Manor, I. (2023, April 18). ChatGPT and the Future of Diplomacy - Part 3. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Manor, I. (2023, June 15). AI’s Impact on Public Diplomacy. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Manor, I. (2023, June 27). The Many Races that will shape AI. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Manor, I. (2023, July 4). Real Fakes and the Future of Diplomacy. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Manor, I. (2023, August 15). Towards the Strategic Use of AI in Diplomacy. Exploring Digital Diplomacy blog. Manor, I. (2024, May 23). Digital Diplomacy and the Rights of AI. Exploring Digital Diplomacy blog. Manor, I. (2024, June 3). Through the Looking Glass: Digital Diplomacy and AI Biases. Exploring Digital Diplomacy blog. Manor, I. (2024, June 10). Digital Diplomacy in the Age of Visual AI. Exploring Digital Diplomacy blog. Marcus, G. (2023, November 23). Critical national security questions should not be decided unilaterally by unelected tech leaders. Marcus at AI. Matania, E. & Sommer, U. (2023, November 20). Tech titans, cyber commons and the war in Ukraine: An incipient shift in international relations. International Relations, 0 (0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00471178231211500 (Open access). McCaffrey, C. R., Jones, O., Krumbmüller, F., & Bell, D. (2022; December). 2023 Geostrategic Outlook. Ernest and Young Parthenon. McCaffrey, C. R., Jones, O., & Krumbmüller, F. (2023, December). 2024 Geostrategic Outlook. Ernest and Young Parthenon. Morini Bianzino, N., Delarue. M.-L., Maher, S., Koene, A., Kummer, K., & Hassan-Szlamka, F. (2023, September 27). The Artificial Intelligence (AI) global regulatory landscape. Ernest and Young Global. O´Neil, L (2023, August 12). The Truth in Tech: These Women Tried to Warn Us about AI. Rolling Stone. Ormond, E. (2020). The Gosth in the Machine: The Ethical Risks of AI. The Thinker. 83 Ortega, A. (2020, Diciembre 9). El pulso mundial por el dominio de los semiconductors. Real Instituto Elcano Pavel, B., Ke, I., Spirtas, M., Ryseff, J., Sabbag, L., Smith, G., Scholl, K., & Lumpkin, D. (202) AI and Geopolitics: How Might AI Affect the Rise and Fall of Nations? Rand Corporation. Peirano, M. (2023, October 17). The double life of artificial intelligence. On automata, symbolic models, neural networks and machine learning: a brief history of AI. CCCB Lab. Petrov, A., La Malfa, E., Torr, P. H.S., & Bibi, A. (2023, May 17). Language Model Tokenizers Introduce Unfairness Between Languages. ArXiv:2350.1542. Ponzio, R., Nudhara Yusuf, N., Mallinson, F. & Shahrukh, M. (2023). Future of International Cooperation Report 2023. The Stimson Center, Doha Forum, and Global Institute for Strategic Research. René, G., Sayegh, P., Petersen, C., Pletts, C., Richardson, D., Stockburger, P., & Tanenblatt, E. (2023, July). The Future of Global AI Governance. Verses. Sauer, P. (2023, Sept. 8). Elon Musk ´committed evil´ with Starlink order, says Ukrainian official. The Guardian. Schmidt, E. (2022). AI, Great Power Competition & National Security. Daedalus, 151(2), p.288-298. https://doi.org/10.1162/daed_a_01916. Scolari, C.A. (2023, February 7). Artificial Intelligence: Half Wanting, Half Fearing How will new AI-based tools change the way we think and perceive the world? CCCB Lab. Scott, B., Heumann, S., & Lorenz, P. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Foreign Policy. Stiftung Neue Veranwortung. Shahbaz, A., Funk, A., Brody, J., Vesteinsson, K., Baker, G., Grothe, C., Barak, M., Masinsin, M., Modi, R., & Sutterlin, E. (eds.) (2023). Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial Intelligence. Freedom House. Sheehan, M (2022, October 27). Biden’s Unprecedented Semiconductor Bet. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Strachan, G. & Manor, I. (2023, July 14). ‘I can be a bastard too’- ChatGPT’s Real Contribution to Diplomacy. Exploring Digital Diplomacy Blog. Tarar, Z. (2023, February 23). Analysis - Could AI change the business of diplomacy? The Diplomatic Pouch at Medium. Tarar, Z. (2023, February 27). Analysis - Which AI tools should diplomats use today? The Diplomatic Pouch at Medium. Tarar, Z. (2023, August 28). Analysis - Harnessing AI for diplomacy: Five tools to make your work easier. The Diplomatic Pouch at Medium. Teleanu, S (2023, August 21). A journey of discovery: Using simulation and AI to teach and learn about digital governance. DiploFoundation Blog. US Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. (2023, June 14). The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Public Diplomacy: ACPD Official Meeting Minutes, June 14, 2023. Williams, A., Micali, M. & Gebru, T. (2022, October 23). The Exploited Labor Behind Artificial Intelligence. NOEMA. Courses Artificial Intelligence: Technology, Governance, and Policy Frameworks online course offered by DiploFoundation. Starts February 2025. Artificial Intelligence for Beginners – A Curriculum offered by Microsoft. IA para todos (AI for everyone) offered by DeepLearning.AI at Coursera, thought by Andrew Ng. (some parts are provided in several languages). IBM: AI for Everyone: Master the Basics offered by edX. Machine learning and AI offered by Google (includes several courses). Information about using AI for teaching and learning Mollick, E. (2022, December 13). How to…use AI to teach some of the hardest skills. One Useful Thing blog. Mollick, E. (2023, January 24). The practical guide to using AI to do stuff. One Useful Thing blog. Mollick, E. (2023, March 17). Using AI to make teaching easier & more impactful. One Useful Thing blog. Mollick, E. (2023, July 15). How to Use AI to Do Stuff: An Opinionated Guide. One Useful Thing blog. Mollick E., & Mollick, L. (2024, April 21). Instructors as Innovators: A future-focused approach to new AI learning opportunities, with prompts. Wharton? Mollick, E. Video series on Practical AI for Teachers and Students. YouTube. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura. (2024). Guía para el uso de IA generativa en educación e investigación. UNESCO. (2023). Technology in Education: A Tool on Whose Terms? Global Education Monitoring Report. UNESCO DISCLAIMER: All views expressed on this blog are those of the author and do not represent the opinions of any other authority, agency, organization, employer or company.
Rodrigo Márquez LartigueDiplomat interested in the development of Consular and Public Diplomacies. Archives
September 2024